Monday, April 25, 2011

Easter - Part 2

What...a...weekend! L&J's school was closed for Good Friday so I took the opportunity to invite my grandparents over to hang out with the boys while I worked. That turned out great - they love spending time with those that spoil them. ;). That night we had dinner at Cracker Barrell with my parents. Luke discovered that he likes fried okra; Jacob, not so much.

Christian had to work Saturday, so it was me vs. L&J. Overall, it wasn't a terrible day but I am reminded why being a stay-at-home mom would put me in a permanent padded cell. I love spending time with them, but they need a frequent change of scenery. It's days like Saturday that make me look forward to when we build out house in the country and the boys and I can explore and have a regular scene change.

Christian and I had planned to go to our church's service Saturday night to make room for guests at the other 4 services and to allow us to go to my parents church (my childhood church) Sunday morning. It ended up being the boys and I when Christians job held him over. Ironically, he left work 30 mins after the service started. He missed a wonderful service!

Sunday morning all of us made it to my parents church in Independence. It was wonderful seeing everyone! Afterwards we had lunch at my parents, egg hunt, and the boys first introduction to Easter candy. I really think the sugar-high helped them make it through the later-than-normal night.

Luke in his Easter outfit

Jacob in his Easter outfit

Papa and his boys

Me and L&J

Our family


Papa & Luke

Luke with his Easter basket goodies

Jacob trying to make the pinwheel move

Jacob and his Easter basket goodies

Jacob hunting eggs with Gram

We went to visit with Christian's dad. He's just now getting the house back together, so he gave them free range of the house. I never looked at the damage in the kitchen, but I did see the effects of the boys pulling things from the cabinets.

Luke brought Papa his own hat!

This Easter was a success in my opinion! While I don't want to rush our time with our precious boys, I am definitely looking forward to introducing them to the art of egg dying next year. I'm pretty sure that I will be find odd halves of plastic eggs in our house and vehicle well past next Easter.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Easter - Part 1

This morning I woke up more excited than the boys - today was their schools Easter egg hunt. Looking back at my childhood, I have some wonderful memories of Easter. The gathering of my grandfather's 9 siblings and the enormous family it created. After having an outdoor picnic on our family land in the country, the guys would go hide dozens and dozens of eggs across about 5 acres. The coveted prize egg is what all the older cousins looked for - since there was a 'prize' pot of anywhere from $25-$100. The one year I tried to get in that dog pile, it ended up badly for my pre-teen skinned hands and knees. One of my clearest memories of my grandfather's mom - Grandma Edna - was after the hunt was over. I was small enough to sit on her lap while she taught me to salt and eat a hard-boiled egg. It's those kind of fond memories that I want our boys to have and be able to look back on when they get older.

So today, their school had an Easter egg hunt and invited any parents that could make it. Considering my grandfather's (L&J's great-grandfather) health, I really want them to be able to spend time with him and hopefully be able to remember him and have wonderful memories of the time they spent with him. I was so happy that my grandmother and grandfather were able to come to the hunt today and help L&J learn how to find eggs and put them in the basket. Not only did my grandfather smile more than he has in a long time, it also allowed me to take pictures to remember the occasion.

Jacob was partners with Great Papa Robert

Great Grandma Dot paired up with Luke
-for being legally blind, she did an awesome job of pointing out the eggs. :)

The below picture is my all time favorite of the day! I can tell now - he would be competition for the bigger cousins at the family egg hunt.

This time last year, Luke & Jacob were just starting to try to crawl. Just peach fuzz on their head and bottles still in their mouth.

Today, the day before they are 17 months old, we had to lower their crib mattress to the lowest setting because Luke demonstrated his limberness by putting his heel up on the crib rail to try to climb out. I love to see them grow and develop each day, but they will always be my babies.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Almost 17 months

I am so far behind on updating. Since our Christmas card picture, so much has happened; thus the reason for my absence. :)

At 13 months (Feb), Jacob finally started taking his first steps! Luke was only 1-2 weeks behind, but he seemed to have learned more by watching Jacob. These days it's all I have in me to keep up with them while trying to load them into the car at their school.

This picture was taken after my first 5K - they had to get put and stretch their legs after my 53 min walk. (April 19, 2011)

Around that same time Luke was the first to start getting his top teeth in (FINALLY!) and Jacob was about a week behind him for this event. Now that we are almost to 17 months, we have 4 precious teeth per boy - two top and two below. Luke has the teeth to either side of the top middle ones coming in; Jacob's haven't broken through the skin yet.

Since their teeth finally made an appearance, the battle against biting has begun. Luke learned about biting from his school mates and Jacob learned from Luke. Something is wrong if I don't have to sign TWO reports for school at least once a week. Their school isn't supposed to name the 'biter' when notifying the 'bitee's' parent, but it's hard to not assume that one of our two is biting the other.

When it comes to talking, all we're still hearing is Da da da da.... With an occasional 'bye' from Jacob 10 mins after he was supposed to say it. They both have a delayed goodbye wave which is them clasping their hand back towards their face instead of outward. I am placing my bet that Jacob will be the first one to talk.

I am really starting to see their independence come out too. They aren't big fans of riding in a shopping cart - unless it's shaped like a race car and has a steering wheel (Lowes & Home Depot). They would also push a shopping cart over riding any day.

We recently bought them lounge style plastic chairs for their age and they both cautiously sit down like a 'big boy' (bottom first).

Jacob seems to understand sharing a little better than Luke. He gladly brings toys to Luke and most of the time will hand over a toy he has been playing with to Luke if Luke acts like he wants it. While I'm so very proud of Jacob, I'm trying hard to help Luke understand how to reciprocate the kindness.

Both boys still have chronic runny noses and we still buy stock in kleenex for our home, vehicle, and their school. We had the boys checked for allergies back in December, and both came back clear. The Dr even went further and had blood taken to see if they had low antibody counts (as preemies sometimes do); which would make them more susceptible to illness. Antibody counts were normal. Their 18 month checkup will be towards the end of May and I am requesting an ENT referral again to see if we can get to the bottom of it. Its sad - they are so used to having runny noses, that if they see you with a Kleenex they angle their nose up towards you so you can wipe. I have found the silver-lining of the noses being runny - they haven't had an ear infection since they were 5 months old. So at least the drainage is not hanging around in their head and causing an infection.

When it comes to food and eating, we have bottomless pits! We typically start their day with a flavor of oatmeal and Cheerios. For the most part, they are also eating table food and off the menu when we go out to eat. Both of them have a bad habit of chewing a couple times and swallowing food whole. I hope that will change once they get their molars. The crackling of a snack bag will get their attention and get them dancing in their seat anytime. They have been on straw zippy cups for a couple months and seem to drip less from their mouth every day.

We have truly been blessed with sweet loving boys! I know it won't last forever, but they don't hesitate to want in our laps to cuddle. I get some of the best bear hugs from their tiny frames every morning when I get them out of their crib!

I love watching them learn new things every day. Jacob seems really interested in, and good at, the toys that he needs to fit a shape into. Luke tends to lean toward musical and art entertainment. Even though they aren't talking yet, they are both really good at doing what I ask and understanding what I am saying. When they DO start talking we will all be in trouble. Christian bought me an iPad 2 and I am already looking for learning apps that they will enjoy. Now I just have to make sure that their knowledge of computers doesn't surpass mine until after they are adults. :)

We are now looking forward to some of their next firsts. Taking them to the zoo, children's palace, and other fun kid places. In August we will be taking 18 hour trip to Ely, MN and I'm sure that it will be a test of our creativity and endurance to keep them happy and entertained for that long.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Christmas 2010

With Love Chartreuse Christmas Card
Click here to browse hundreds of Christmas card designs.
View the entire collection of cards.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Winter Hats

My friend and co-worker Julia Perkins made these darling winter hats for the boys.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Jacob is Window shopping

Jacob loves opening and closing the front door to our house. Thankfully there is a glass door to keep him from escaping. Today he was in a great mood and loved hamming it up for the camera.

Halloween 2010

This time last year I was "The Great Pumpkin".

Now we have two pumpkins and a 'ham' dressed in a pumpkin suit.