Monday, April 25, 2011

Easter - Part 2

What...a...weekend! L&J's school was closed for Good Friday so I took the opportunity to invite my grandparents over to hang out with the boys while I worked. That turned out great - they love spending time with those that spoil them. ;). That night we had dinner at Cracker Barrell with my parents. Luke discovered that he likes fried okra; Jacob, not so much.

Christian had to work Saturday, so it was me vs. L&J. Overall, it wasn't a terrible day but I am reminded why being a stay-at-home mom would put me in a permanent padded cell. I love spending time with them, but they need a frequent change of scenery. It's days like Saturday that make me look forward to when we build out house in the country and the boys and I can explore and have a regular scene change.

Christian and I had planned to go to our church's service Saturday night to make room for guests at the other 4 services and to allow us to go to my parents church (my childhood church) Sunday morning. It ended up being the boys and I when Christians job held him over. Ironically, he left work 30 mins after the service started. He missed a wonderful service!

Sunday morning all of us made it to my parents church in Independence. It was wonderful seeing everyone! Afterwards we had lunch at my parents, egg hunt, and the boys first introduction to Easter candy. I really think the sugar-high helped them make it through the later-than-normal night.

Luke in his Easter outfit

Jacob in his Easter outfit

Papa and his boys

Me and L&J

Our family


Papa & Luke

Luke with his Easter basket goodies

Jacob trying to make the pinwheel move

Jacob and his Easter basket goodies

Jacob hunting eggs with Gram

We went to visit with Christian's dad. He's just now getting the house back together, so he gave them free range of the house. I never looked at the damage in the kitchen, but I did see the effects of the boys pulling things from the cabinets.

Luke brought Papa his own hat!

This Easter was a success in my opinion! While I don't want to rush our time with our precious boys, I am definitely looking forward to introducing them to the art of egg dying next year. I'm pretty sure that I will be find odd halves of plastic eggs in our house and vehicle well past next Easter.

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